Serdecznie zapraszamy na seminarium, które odbędzie się 6 marca br. o godzinie 14.15 w sali seminaryjnej 427.
Prezentację pt. „Measurement Based Precision Modeling of Scalable 1-100GHz VIA Structures with Arbitrary Target Impedance for Volume Production” wygłosi Pan Bela Szendrenyi z firmy Advantest.
Autonomous driving, TX-RX subsystems, 5G and soon 6G, PCIe 6 (2022) and PCIe 7 (planned 2025), high-frequency modeling and measurements – all pushing the boundaries of RF and millimeter-wave board and module designs. One class of critical building-block elements are the interlayer connections, or Vias, that need be low-reflection low-loss seamless section of each transmit and receive paths. This talk outlines a rigorous step-by-step method: how to design scalable precision Via structures with up to 100GHz bandwidth? First, the concept of reflectionless junction will be discussed in a most generalized way. Next, criteria for “invisible” vertical travel in multilayer high-frequency boards will be detailed. This can be optimized regardless of the layer numbers, whether a simple 4-layer or a really complicated 52-layer board design is at task. Followed by the concept and some lesser-known Via-pad-antipad-layer junction design details. The next important design parameter at RF and millimeter frequencies is the effect of possible frequency-dependent dielectric relaxation characteristics, and the related questions are discussed for wide-band optimization. Since our targeting is low-reflection precision designs, validation measurements need proven and well-controlled testbed, careful calibration, and accurate de-embedding. Finally, easy-to-use scaling rule-of-thumb set is summarized: for the benefit of how to start your next wide-band scaled-up Via design.
Speaker’s Biography:

Bela Brian Szendrenyi is a native of Hungary, works and lives in California since 1994. He has a BSEE, and an MSEE in Telecommunications, both from the Technical University of Budapest. Bela started his professional carrier as a Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Technical Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He was responsible for validation and RF measurements of various GaAs devices and modules. In the Americas he has worked for Gigahertz Technologies, Maury Microwave, Agilent Technologies and Verigy – in various high frequency related R&D and lead design engineering positions. Since 2012 Bela is with Advantest America’s SOC division where his interest and some of his investigation work are related to complex RF boards and front-end modules for 4G and 5G commercial devices and applications, in high volume manufacturing. Most recently, in the Essai Group he is the Signal Integrity and Power Integrity Lead, including modeling RF structures and sub-assemblies using CST and HFSS.