Since 1992 he has been closely cooperating with the Telecommunications Research Institute (PIT), Poland. Therefore, his didactic and research interests are mainly focused on relevant for pratice problems of microwave and antenna techniques, especially on the design methods of various passive microwave devices and high – directivity radar antennas. Several array antennas designed by him operate in long-range surveillance radars of type TRD-12, RST-12M, CAR-1100 and TRS-15 fabricated by PIT for the Polish Army and foreign contractors.

Stanisław Rosłoniec was born on June 25, 1948 in Ostaszewo, Poland. He received his M.Sc. degree (in electronic engineering) from Warsaw University of Technology in 1972. After graduation he joned the Department of Electronics (Institute of Radioelectronics) of Warsaw University of Technology where in 1976 he was granted with distinction his doctor’s degree (Ph.D). The higher doctor’s degree (Dr Sc.) he received in 1991 also from Warsaw University of Technology. Finally, the degree of professor of technical sciences he obtained  from the President of the Republic of Poland in 2001.

Stanisław Rosłoniec is the author over 80 reviewed scientific papers, 25 technical reports,  3 patents and 9 books [1]. A list of mentioned books includes 4 academic handbooks and 5 monographs. Two o them, viz. ’’Algorithms for computer – aided design of linear microwave circuits’’ (1990) and ’’ Fundamental numerical methods for electrical engineering’’ (2008) have been published by top internationally recognized publishers, respectively by Artech House Inc., USA and Springer Verlag, Germany. The latest from his book entitled ’’Fundamentals of the radiolocation and radionavigation” (in Polish) was published in 2017 by Publishing House of Military University of Technology, Warsaw. The second, revised and completed edition of this academic handbook has been accepted for publication in 2019 by the same publisher.
