- IEEE Board of Directors: Region 8 Director (2009-2010) and Division IV Director (2013-2014)
- MGA Board (2009-10) as Region 8 Director
- TAB: MTT Society President (2008) and Division IV Director (2013-2014)
- Divisions I/IV Joint Committee (initially MTTS/ED Societies) for Membership Promotion and Chapter Formation in Eastern Europe/Former Soviet Union (1994 -2001)
- IEEE Fellow Committee (2004-2006)
- TAB Strategic Planning Committee (2007)
- Conference & Education Ad Hoc Committee (2008)
- TAB N&A Committee (2008-2009)
- IEEE Executive Director Search Committee (2009)
- Conference & Education Cooperation Committee (2009)
- Emerging Markets Ad Hoc Committee (2009)
- TAB Structure Ad Hoc Committee (2009-2010)
- IEEE Board Transformation Working Group (2010)
- IEEE Public Visibility Committee (2010-11)
- MGA Finance Committee (2010)
- IEEE Governance Committee (2011)
- MGA representative to TAB (2011)
- IEEE Awards Board (2012)
- IEEE Brand Ambassador (2012)
- IEEE Service Awards Committee (2012-2014)
- Globalization Ad Hoc Committee (2014)
- TAB representative to MGA (2015)
- TAB representative to PSPB (2016)
- Past Director, Strategic Planning Committee Chair (2011-2012)
- Director (2009-2010
- Director-Elect (2008)
- N&A Committee member (2008-2010) and Chair (2011-2012
- Vice Chair for Technical Activities (2005-2006)
- Chapter Coordination Sub-Committee Chair (2001-2004)
- MTT-S Chapters Coordinator (2002-2004)
- Poland Section ExCom (1991-2004)
- AES/AP/MTT Joint Chapter Chair (1991-1995) – the first Chapter in Central and Eastern Europe
- N&A Committee Vice Chair (2010-2011) and Chair (2012-)
- MTT-S Awards Committee member (2014-)
- MTT-S Liaison to European Microwave Association EuMA (2014-)
- MTT-S MGA Committee – China Initiative, India Initiative (2009-2011)
- MTT-S President (2008)
- MTT-S President-Elect (2007)
- MTT-S Budget Committee Chair (2007-2008)
- MTT-S Technical Coordinating Committee Chair (2005-2006)
- MTT-S Membership Service Committee Chair (2003-2004)
- MTT-S Transnational Committee Chair, Vice-Chair (1997-2001)
- MTT-S Long-Range Planning Committee, (2002- ), Vice Chair (2007- )
- MTT-S R8 Chapter Coordinator (1996-2002)
- MTT-S Technical Committee MTT-17 (1998- )
- TPC of MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (1996-2013)
- International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications MIKON
Chair (1995-2006) - Microwave & Radar Week Chair (2008- )
- IEEE Region 8 Conference EUROCON 2007 Co-Chair
- IEEE Region 8 Conference EUROCON 2011 Honorary Chair
- TPC of MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (1996-2013)
- TPC and Management of the European Microwave Conference (1996- )
- Technical Committees of the local conferences – Ukraine: CriMiCo (1996-), MMET (1999-), DIPED (1995- ), TCSET (1997); Czech Republic: COMITE (2001- ); Hungary: MICROCOL (1998- ); Germany: MIOP (1996-2000), GeMIC (2015); Russia: MEMIA (1997- ), SibirCon (2008, 2010).
OTHER: European Microwave Association
- Member of the General Assembly (1999-2005)
- IEEE Region 8 Representative (2006-2013)
- MTT-S Representative to BoD (2014- )
- Many years of volunteer experience spanning all IEEE levels, from a local Chapter chair and conference organizer, through Section and Region activities, to main IEEE boards and committees.
- Commitment to IEEE mission and working knowledge of its structure, operations, activities, leading volunteers and staff, goals and needs.
- Proven managerial skills (20 years’ experience of successfully running a large research and teaching institute and many collaborative projects with industry).
- People’s and interpersonal skills; ability to create consensus by negotiating compromise and resolving differences; ability to share accountability and responsibility with others.
- Capability to focus on strategic issues and to make effectiveness a top priority.
- From 1993-2001 I was a key member of Divisions I/IV (initially MTT-S/ED-S) Joint Committee for Membership Promotion and Chapter Formation in Eastern Europe/Former Soviet Union, which led to establishing of over 50 new chapters, 4 new sections and consolidation of IEEE communities in those areas.
- In 2001-2004 I was Chair of Region 8 Chapter Coordination Committee and later R8 vice-Chair for Technical Activities, which resulted in significant increase in the number of chapters and the establishment of annual R8 Chapter of the Year I gave strong support for establishment of new local conferences.
- As MTT Society President –my most important achievements were:
- starting the process of building the Long-Range Society Strategy;
- launching new initiatives in China and India, which resulted in the growing number of members and new Chapters, Student Branches and IEEE conferences.
- As Region 8 Director – my main achievements were:
- building friendly and productive atmosphere within the Region;
- increasing the number of Region 8 representatives in the compositions of IEEE Committees;
- increasing the number of Chapters and Student Branches.
- As Division IV Director: my main achievements were:
- initiating Division IV regular meetings;
- initiating cooperation between sister Societies, e.g. AP-S and MTT-S.
IEEE has been an important part of my 45-year career in academia and collaboration with industry.
The unique perspective I gained due to being director at both TAB and MGA has given me solid understanding of IEEE needs. I would strive as the President to strengthen and grow the IEEE, its technical and regional diversity, and the international scope and reputation of its products and services.
As technology changes rapidly so does the engineering profession and the geographic distribution of engineers and enterprises. Therefore, IEEE must also react rapidly to address more effectively:
- the impact of new technologies;
- the transnational nature of the Institute;
- the needs of students, young engineers and practitioners.
IEEE as a global community of professionals should satisfy present needs but also, should have a clear vision for the future. As the world is changing, we have to show IEEE with a new face and interface. Networking and the ability to quickly find partners for collaborative projects are most important for practitioners now. Just as TV service providers personalize their offers, so should also IEEE match product packages to the needs of our members. Younger generation of professionals as well as management expect higher quality interactions – fast publication of information, quick search in databases, direct information through social media.
If elected, I will be guided by respect for fellow volunteers and staff, recognition of the value of membership, and through understanding of the business and culture of IEEE. I am convinced that with my experience, knowledge and practical and interpersonal skills I will be able to fulfill the duties of the President of IEEE.
IEEE is to be a truly global engineering organization most admired for paving the way for partnerships between academic and industry. The Institute has a history and traditions we are proud to uphold yet with this fast-paced changes occurring in the 21st century we should show to the world new face. As IEEE has already accomplished much and has room for growth I believe the Institute deserves a bold and ambitious vision for future.
We are actively present all over the world and have great potential to have a significantly higher membership. It might be daring but I would see this organization at least double the number of its members, enrolling more students, academics, and industry in our midst. It is crucial for IEEE’s future to establish that over 30-40% of the members are students and Young Professionals. Such presence will ensure that IEEE would be a relevant, cutting edge in its field and active association. The Institute should aim to maintain a healthy balance between academic and industry membership, so that representation of their needs and interests is comparable. In order to achieve this, I would endeavor to review our membership model and prepare improved one that would be better adjusted to the needs of modern engineers.
As a modern global organization for engineers, the Institute must act efficiently on many levels. I would firmly continue the efforts to develop a transparent financial system that plainly explains where, how and why the Institute spends and invests its funds. As a technological association, we should maintain our position as a pioneer in the field keeping abreast of new technologies and making an impact. For IEEE to be more efficient as an organization we should focus on receptiveness to needs of students, Young Professionals, and industry practitioners. The Institute has much to offer and setting oneself as responsive and apt coordinator of this in-between would ensure the position of the global leading engineering organization. To contribute to this goal my priorities would be establishing close ties with industry and bringing to efficiency Professionals’ networking and knowledge sharing platforms.
The Institute over years has gathered the talented individuals from various backgrounds and from all corners of the world. Such diversity is our huge asset and I feel that we could take better advantage of it. Based on the accumulated knowledge, good practices and tools proved efficient in particular countries our organization can build upon this variety of experiences. I am confident that such synergy would serve our further development and strengthen IEEE.
I am well aware that improvement happens gradually over time and our challenges cannot be solved in one term. The Institute should have a long-term vision for development and up-to-date strategy, evaluated on regular basis. In my opinion, it’s crucial to enhance the continuity of objectives’ implementation between the immediate predecessor and successor in Board. IEEE is a respected organization with achievements and I would like to see it raise to its full potential.
The membership model and value proposition for membership‐based professional societies.
IEEE has a great potential for growth and to accommodate needs of modern engineers, yet it’s important to note that the current membership model does not reflect those and must undergo a review. Taking into account the fact that our organization is aging, worrisome 30% retention of IEEE student members, below expectation member satisfaction trends and market penetration at the surprisingly low level of 6-8% we should thrive to evolve in direction of better accessibility. It is especially important in developing countries where IEEE can play a significant leading role in engineering education, accreditation, and engineers development. However, because membership fee is prohibitively high for most of the potential members in the developing countries, I would propose to reconsider the membership model and create a much more flexible system where members will have a chance to select what they really need from the IEEE membership and what they are paying for.
There is also an issue of IEEE recognition in particular countries that results in under-appreciation of IEEE role and position. Building our organization’s brand is an important direction so that IEEE membership is a valued and prestigious accomplishment.
Our Institute could have a vital contribution in developing a career of young engineers and scientists. Societies, uniting top-class specialists, operating within the framework of IEEE provide an excellent tool, that could be utilized for building a platform, where youngest could serve one’s apprenticeship. Such activity should be formalized, masters in their field should be able to announce vacancies via IEEE structures. We should further develop both our services and an information on IEEE to the students not only of electrical and electronic engineering faculties but also to all related specialties and increase activity on those matters on both every section level and at every society and chapter level as well.
Another important direction would be to support creative professionals, including young engineers, in their effort to create various types of start-ups. There are again different legal, organizational and financial determinants of such process and thus requires a large effort initiated by local members, but such help will form an invaluable asset for engineers all around the world. Such help can be realized in a form of regional conferences/workshops with IEEE members and the industry. It is also important to develop a network program to reach M.S. students and post-graduates provide to help them with their choices and to show them IEEE protective attitude.
The specific value proposition for industry and members working in the industry and young professionals.
IEEE has been losing its prominent position in the industry in Regions 1-6 and 7. Moreover, IEEE never built strong relations with industry in two largest Regions – 8 and 10 – due to trying to implement the same solutions and tools, which were practiced in the US but don’t necessary suit to other regions. Our Institute should investigate first how industry collaboration is done by national associations and then find efficient methods to involve industrial partners as IEEE members. Institute should invest more funds and time to attract industrial partners by furthering/developing Distinguished lecture program dedicated to industry, publishing more journals with short papers for practitioners, written and read mainly by people from industry, organizing more activity during conferences related to contact with industry such as industrial sessions, exhibitions, etc, Moreover at flagship societies conferences/symposia job fairs should be organized by definition.
If IEEE would like to be relevant to industry practitioners and Young Professionals, it needs to start listening more carefully to their needs. The first steps have been done – IEEE Industry Engagement Committee has been established and the IEEE Boards support the development of the Young Professionals Business Plan, including organizing bi-annual SYP among IEEE Regions. However, we need to go further applying two approaches: up-bottom where the leaders of IEEE engage the industry leaders and define cooperation models involving whole companies. The second is bottom-up where IEEE develops global programs to support local initiatives engaging IEEE members in the industry. The research also clearly indicates that both current industry members and young professionals would appreciate if IEEE would provide relevant career resources. Such a program would be a tangible membership benefit that IEEE desperately needs to offer and would establish Institute as a source of the most talented engineers for the industry.
Shared governance and its inefficiency and ineffectiveness.
It is the 21st century, the IT companies are able to change their operating models to stay relevant to their partners and customers. Although IEEE is the leading global engineering organization, the governance model has not changed for decades. Firstly, the decision-making process needs to be improved through delegating tasks for swift execution and implementation. The Board members are supposed to make strategic decisions and decide the future of our organization instead of being involved in the implementation or execution of particular projects. Secondly, IEEE needs to reflect better the membership demographics by providing adequate representation. It is especially important for the Regional representatives. Thirdly, we need to involve the younger generation in the decision-making process because soon they will come to replace us and it is our duty to ensure that they are qualified to lead the organization. I would like to emphasize that this might be one of the most revolutionary concepts in the history of IEEE, as we need to make the first steps and concentrate on the in-depth analysis of the various concepts and their implications for the organization. This process would require changes in the constitution but I am certain that our members will welcome our efforts in making IEEE more efficient and more responsive.